001: NeuroPicante

a newsletter for neurodivergent creatives

Embrace what makes you different. Embrace your creativity.

Thank you for joining my email list! I am so happy to welcome you to my newsletter!

It’s that time of year again. September. Back to school. Labor Day in the US. La rentrée in France.

New beginnings. A clean slate. A time to try out new things.

If you happen to be neurodivergent, maybe this sounds just a little bit familiar.

I’ve always been obsessed with the newness of things: new goals, new projects, new ideas, new hobbies. I’m great at thinking up and starting new things. Sticking with them is another story.

Getting my ADHD diagnosis two years ago helped me realize that this isn’t a personal failure; it’s just the way my brain is wired. I need to organize things in my life differently than other people in order to reach my goals.

After going largely unrecognized for decades, ADHD diagnoses have just begun catching up for girls and women. However, recent studies still show that about 80% of autistic girls/women remain undiagnosed at the age of 18. That’s more than 3/4ths!

This newsletter is about exploring neurodivergence - ADHD, autism, AuDHD, etc. - and creativity. Especially for women and non-binary folks.

I’m still in the process of getting myself situated with this whole newsletter thing, but you can expect at least two emails from me per week. Feel free to respond with ideas and suggestions for topics!

In the meantime, here are a handful of helpful articles I’ve come across relating to ADHD, autism, women, and creativity.

You can also check out my digital Etsy shop and enjoy a 50% discount with the code PICANTE.

Thank you again for signing up for NeuroPicante. See you all again soon!

¡Adelante Picantes!


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